Want to Make a Change But Don't Know Where to Start?

You are a caring, quiet, introverted woman.  Life is good but you’ve lost your spark. Without it you're feeling bored, tired, and disconnected-things are in a shade of grey. You know something is not feeling quite right.

You know you want things to change, but you have no idea how or where to start and when you think about making any changes, it feels overwhelming.

You want to feel connected, passionate, and excited about life but the advice and resources you have come across don’t feel true to you. They feel like they are talking to the extroverts of the world. 

You start thinking, “can I be true to my introverted nature and feel that spark I’m craving”?

Yes, you can and you are in the right place.

This is where the Live Red Assessment comes in. Taking this assessment will help to show you where you need that spark the most in your life.

This is the starting place for creating your Live Red Strategy. Your strategy for a lived-in life, passion and excitement on your own terms, no loud crazy antics or confetti required.

Are you ready to say, “Yes, I can have passion in my everyday life….and I don’t have to be an extrovert to do it!”?

If you are interested in finding out where to start on your journey to living a life that has more passion, fulfillment and connection, you can take the assessment for free and here is where you can find it!


With Care, 


Lisa Chartrand